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What is combined hospital and extras cover?

Combined cover is a health insurance policy that includes both components of hospital cover and extras cover. It covers all your bases, insu...

Gym rebates and your insurance

Fitting in a healthy lifestyle is tricky nowadays. Many of us focus on being our best selves – physically and mentally, but we’re awfully ha...

Physiotherapy cover with your health insurance

Are Australians moving around enough? Arguably, no – with the ABS reporting that  “only 43% of adults actually met the “sufficiently active’...

What is extras cover and why is it important in health insurance?

Extras cover is a component of  health insurance  that covers you for out-of-hospital medical care. Also called ancillary cover or general t...

What Is Rental Insurance ? Lawyer's

What Is Rental Insurance?  Generally speaking, rental insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers damage or loss of property for peo...

Five Best USA Auto Insurance Companies

You Will Discover Just About A Great Deal Of Auto Insurance Organizations In USA, Yet Among Them There Are Best 5 Collision Protection Organ...

How You Can Avoid Rental Car Insurance Fee

A void Rental Car Insurance Fees : It Makes Me Insane At Whatever Point I Lease An Auto, And The Operator Exceptionally Prescribes I Have Th...