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Factors that affect your health insurance premiums

Many Aussies misunderstand how health insurance is priced. Namely, they believe that health insurance is more expensive if you’re older, or ...

Switching health insurance

Switching health funds  is much easier than most people think. It is something worth considering when your health insurance policy no longer...

Are you paying too much for health insurance?

Do you have the sneaking feeling that you’re paying more than you should be for  health insurance ? Many Australians feel the same way. Let’...

Top 7 tips for selecting health insurance

If you’re thinking about  taking out health insurance , you’ve probably asked yourself, ‘Why is it so complicated?!” It can be trying to pic...

Optical cover with your private health insurance

Our sight is something we sometimes take for granted, as our eyes don’t need much maintenance early in our lives. But it’s important to care...