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Low-Cost Insurance Marketing Ideas For Agents

1. Make Yourself an Expert by Guest Blogging

Once you guest blog on authoritative websites, you borrow credibility from your website and can generate publicity for you personally and your agency; this will drive new traffic to your website traffic and increase your sales leads.

You might also consider outreach to your local media that could be trying to find subject matter experts on insurance-related matters. Maybe you are in a position to contribute a quote or a write-up on searching for health insurance, identity theft, or perhaps a related topic.

Browse the link here for the Definitive Guide to Guest Blogging.
2.©1!©Your Appointment Calendar

If you have appointments all day long, you may not have enough time to target on marketing. Considering clustering appointments to specific times of day, so you’ve special time to focus on agency-building strategies.
3. Make Sure Your Website is Optimized for the Results You Want

Quotit offers seven must-haves for an effective insurance agent website, click here to view the entire list.
4. Set up an Automated Email Campaign for Lost Prospects

Insurance leads that went cold and didn’t convert certainly are a great place to begin when trying to find new business. Whilst it takes a great deal of time and energy to touch base to these prospects, email marketing can automate this process. This ensures you reap the benefits of warm up lost prospects without losing valuable time.
5. Develop Partnerships with Other Brokers to Access their Unwanted Leads

In the event that you fit in with a local or regional health underwriter association, you might want to put up a relationship to generally share leads with others who’re dedicated to other market segments. Like, in the event that you sell mostly Medicare coverage, perhaps you can partner with a broker centered on Individual & Family Plans or property and casualty coverage to trade or sell leads. You’ll build trust with quality leads (and, conversely, undermine that trust if your leads are old or incomplete).
