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Switching health insurance

Switching health funds is much easier than most people think. It is something worth considering when your health insurance policy no longer meets your needs, or you find another policy that offers better value.
Another reason many of us consider switching health insurers is because of a change of lifestyle. Entering a partnership, starting a family, or experiencing a change in your medical status are all good opportunities to seek a newer, better coverage to meet your changing needs.
Why switch with
  1. We compare some of the biggest health funds from across the country.
  2. Our online service takes minutes to use – seriously, you could find a policy in roughly the same time it takes to order and receive a cup of coffee!
  3. Prefer to talk through your options over the phone? We train our call centre staff to be bona-fide experts on all things health insurance.
  4. You pay the same amount when using us as you would by signing up through a health fund.

The many benefits of switching

There are many reasons to switch health insurers. Number one is obviously to save money and safeguard your health! Others are more basic. For example, your circumstances may have changed over the last year (maybe you’re now considering kids), or you’re trying to consolidate your bills with your partner (requiring a couples policy).
There are several other reasons though, which could ‘sweeten the deal’.

Your Lifetime Health Cover status remains unchanged

Switching health funds will not affect your Lifetime Health Cover status. In fact, if you’re already paying the loading, you’re paying extra for health insurance as it is – so it’s worth seeking out better value policies so you can minimise monthly costs.

Eligible rebates still apply

Any rebate you receive for your current policy will still apply to your new policy. So if you’re currently enjoying a yearly rebate at tax time, you should continue to do so – provided your income and age hasn’t changed.

Waiting periods are waived for hospital cover

Any waiting periods you’ve completed under your previous policy for comparable features are waived when you switch health insurance policies. The only waiting periods that may apply are:
  1. When you haven’t completed your wait. For example, if you’ve waited 10 months for a 12 month waiting period, you’ll need to complete the remaining two months before claiming.
  2. For new or upgraded benefits. So if you weren’t covered for orthodontic work under your old policy, and it carries a waiting period on your new one, pull up a chair and prepare to wait!

How we help you switch

One way we help you switch is by providing a simple to use online comparison service. All we need is a postcode and your relationship status to get started. Some of us feel more comfortable talking over the phone, and that option is also available to you.
Once you sign up, your new health fund will act on your behalf to cancel your old policy and request your record from your previous health fund.
Depending on the start date of your new policy, if there’s an overlap with the premiums you’ve paid your old health fund, the difference will be refunded to you. Just keep in mind that you may need to cancel any direct debits to your old health fund with your financial institution.
Ready to make the switch? Try our easy-to-use comparison tool today.