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Facebook Marketing Tips and Ideas for Insurance Agents

1. Severe Weather Alert Post- As their insurance guy or gal, it’s important to show to your clients you genuinely value their well-being. One good way to accomplish this is to publish about pending bad weather. features a service that will give you emails automatically to let you know about pending weather danger!

2. Post an Insurance Joke – Here’s one you should use: Give an insurance agent a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to market and he will need a client to lunch and drink such as a fish every day.

3. Share a Client Testimonial Video – 19 out of 20 clients aren’t likely to want anything related to this idea, but every agency has some customers who love everything you do and aren’t afraid to state this facing a camera. Video testimonials are one of the finest methods to build your agency’s online reputation.Make it easy and valuable by asking them a question with a strong answer. Like, if they only had a positive claim experience ask if price is the only important factor to compare insurance companies. Use the camera in your cellular phone – it doesn’t need to be fancy. Actually the more amateurish it seems the more authentic it will feel.

4. Frequent and Interesting Posts – If you fail to interact your audience on Facebook, nothing else on this page will probably benefit you- period. If that you don’t post often, and your Facebook posts are boring, irrelevant, or self-serving, you WILL NOT SUCCEED at Facebook marketing. Fortunately there’s an incredible free resource called The Facebook Content Dashboard that provides new content ideas for insurance agents every day. Just put aside 5 minutes 3-5 times a week to visit the site and search for something interesting, educational, funny, amazing etc. and post it to your agency facebook page.

5. Local Community Event Announcement – Every community has events going on throughout the year. If you use Facebook to produce people alert to events like the farmers market or the halloween parade, you’re not just helping your fans be more engaged in their community, you’re helping community organizers get people to their events and they’re often great connectors. It is also a good reminder to all or any your fans that they’re supporting a local business by renewing their policies through you.

6. Read the Insurance Website Bible – In the event that you haven’t read The Insurance Website Marketing Bible yet you’re missing out. It is a FREE book about online insurance marketing for insurance agents and there’s an entire chapter specialized in social media marketing & Facebook. In the event that you haven’t read it already download your free copy here.
